Workplace Strategy Dos and Don’ts


Workplace Strategy Dos and Don’ts

Workplace strategy continues to be a focus for companies large and small. Working to establish policies and programs that support your business, infrastructure, and employees takes a dedicated and positive effort to achieve success. Hybrid work schedules, technology and the office environment will likely continue to change, but creating your plan and laying a firm foundation, while implementing the proper flexibility now will help ensure your business thrives in these uncertain times. To help guide your strategy and process we’ve compiled a quick list of dos and don’ts.

Do Analyze Available Data

Making informed decisions becomes an easier task when the process is supported by meaningful data. Typical data collection points include occupancy, utilization, and adoption, but the list will change based on your scenario. As an organization you should identify which metrics are most important in measuring the success of your company during this time of transition. Collect data early to establish a baseline from which your team can work and then establish goals. Data should be collected in a way that enables company leadership to quickly view and understand the current status and emerging trends and report effectively. With this type of dedication to data your teams will feel informed and confident in their decisions.

Do Focus On Office Amenities

By now this point should be ringing loud and clear with corporate leadership teams. The office environment is changing because employees needs from the spaces they occupy are changing. Do your best to keep pace. While it’s becoming clear some tasks are easier accomplished in the comfort and solitude of a home work environment, the office still holds value for most employees. Tune in to how your employees are using the space when they come to the office and adjust to establish more of those spaces and create a unique environment suited to those unique needs. The current trend is toward meeting and collaborative spaces rich with amenities and programmed well with activities that engage and enrich employees.

Do Use Technology To Your Advantage

One of the positives that has emerged from workplace strategy experiences is the implementation of useful technology. Reducing friction for employees should be the primary goal of our technology platforms. Communication tools, access to files, and the ability to maneuver confidently online makes work anywhere less taxing on employees. Being able to quickly connect and access the information you need makes you more efficient and is a positive experience. Your space should also be designed or modified creating areas that are conducive to having virtual meetings as this will still be a common way of meeting even when in the office. We have operated in an increasingly digital world for decades. Now is the time to lead your company in this area rather than react to what the rest of the world is doing.

Don’t Overreact

Avoid setting the tone with an off-the-cuff reaction. While your leadership team is undoubtedly feeling the pressure to respond to the changing environment a measured and thoughtful approach will win the day. If there is an overwhelming need to communicate an action we would suggest engaging employees in open sessions, teambuilding, and other activities to engage and better understand the current situation. Taking these actions early will send all of the right signals to your employee base, provide useful data, and give your leadership team the time and information necessary to make meaningful moves on a reasonable timeline, ultimately setting you up for success down the road.

Don’t Overcomplicate Your Strategy

It’s easy to lose sight of the cornerstones of your workplace strategy which include your physical space, technology and infrastructure, operational efficiencies, and policies. Keep your approach and the strategies that support these cornerstones simple. An approach that is organized and easily communicated to employees is most likely to be implemented day-to-day.

Don’t Miss Opportunities For Improvement

It’s very likely that despite your best efforts to accommodate for all unknowns, further changes will need to be made. It’s important to maintain a positive and flexible attitude aimed at adjusting when necessary to correct the plan and better the outcomes. At present, this is the new normal, and it’s here for a while, but it will continue to change and our approach to the workplace should support it. Set a schedule to review the plan and the available data and stick to it. Have honest conversations about your key performance indicators and put your workplace strategy to work for your company.

Workplace strategies help leadership teams lay the groundwork for successfully transitioning their companies and employees through unprecedented times. Use this basic list of dos and don’ts to establish some parameters for your approach and adjust as needed to create success.

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